2012-05-10 | 16:23:44
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

"I'm not selfish but Beliebers are mine. I wont share them" - JB
"Some people will tell you that you cant do it. But all you gotta do, is turn around and say: watch me!" - JB
"All my beliebers are my favorite girls, because all are beautiful and special." - JB
"It's okay for my Beliebers to have a boyfriend, but please, don't kiss them in front of me because I get jealous."- JB
"I wake up and sometime I'm just, like, I can't believe that this is my world!" - JB
"Havin fans like u never gets old, I do love u to death & I do appreciate u more than any speech will ever show" -JB
"One day I'll meet the perfect girl and when I do I won't stop until she is mine." - JB
"Hate me? I dont care, because u're not the first person who hated me and u're not going to be the last either." - JB
"A girl could be sitting on her computer right now, trying to get noticed not knowing she's the future Mrs.Bieber." - JB
"Everyday is like crazy to me because I see so many people and I get to make so many people smile and make people happy." - JB
"Hi, my name is Justin Bieber. I think girls are better then my Xbox and I'm willing to break it for them"
"One day all my Beliebers forget me, but I will never forget them." - JB
"I'm kind of a perfectionist. I work hard to get it right, but part of that is being able to roll with the unexpected." - JB

2012-01-16 | 11:36:28
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

"i can make girls' hearts beat faster by just whipping my hair." ~JB
"Even though they're nuts, they are perfect" ~JB
"I don't care what would happen, because my real fans will always be here, with me" ~JB
"Just because I don't answer or RT one of your tweets doesn't mean I didn't read it and smile" ~JB
"My fans aren't obsessed. They are just incredible and devoted" ~JB
"Out of all things in life that I could fear. The only thing that would hurt me is if you weren't here" ~JB
"I think that being a gentleman is what matters; taking them out to a nice dinner, open the doors, stuff like that." ~JB
"Your support, your love & words, you're going against the Bieber haters, I'm so happy & honored to call you my Beliebers" ~JB
“i want girls to hear my music and want to play it again, because it made their hearts..." ~JB
"Nobody is better than anyone else. Who we are inside is more important." ~JB
haha har typ inte fortfrande fått nån komentar att Bieberquotes är bra? och att jag ska fortsätta med dom?

2011-12-25 | 00:04:00
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

"Its so cute when i see all my fans literally like attacking my haters!" ~JB
"Selena is not girl who I need. I'm just in love..." ~JB
"Its so cute when i see all my fans literally like attacking my haters!" ~JB
"Don't take life too seriusly when you're young. Save all the serious stuff for later. Go out and have fun.
Love life" ~JB
“I don’t understand why my fans ask for a hug like, I don’t mind. Just come and hug me!” ~JB
''No, the world won't end in 2012.. The world will end when I lose my Beliebers." ~JB
"Justin and Kidrauhl are the same...just wish all the fans would realize that and realize I'm not changing." ~JB
"I see myself marrying a beautiful belieber with pretty eyes and a big smile" ~JB
"My fans aren't obsessed. They are just incredible & devoted." ~JB
"It's okay for my Beliebers to have a boyfriend, but please, don't kiss them in front of me because I get jealous." ~JB
"Whatever happens, my true fans will always be with me" ~JB
obviously, always! till sista! OMB ni måste läsa dom!! DOM ÄR BÄST!!

2011-11-02 | 01:50:48
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

1. "I want my world to be fun. No parents, no rules, no nothing. Like, no one can stop me. No one can stop me." ~JB
2."It honetly doesn't matter what people think of you. Focus on the people who you love, they're opinion matters the most" ~JB
3. "I'm telling you people. Everyday we wake up is another blessing. Follow your dreams and don't let anyone stop you. Never Say Never" ~JB
4."I'm looking forward to influencing others in a positive way. My message is you can do anything if you just put your mind to it" ~JB
5."No matter who you are or how old you are, It shouldn't make a difference to how much you can give back" ~JB
6."Life isn't worth living if you don't have goals. Life is about chasing those goals" ~JB
7.“Never call a girl ugly .. They’re all beautiful in their own way" ~JB
8.“If me and my girlfriend were fighting, and it got to the point where she started crying, I would just shut up and hold her" ~JB
9.“Haters will say what they want, but their hate can never stop you from chasing your dream” ~JB
10."I want my fans to hear my musci and wanna play it again because it made their hearts feel good" ~JB
typ har inte fått nån kommentar om vad ni tycker på Bieber Quotes? Tycker ni om det eller är det onödigt?

2011-09-25 | 17:56:05
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

If me and my girlfriend were fighting,and it got to the point where she started crying,I would just shup up and hold her." ~ JB
“Each of my fans are my favorite girl for a different reason because everyone is special in its own way” ~ JB
''I like someone who makes me laugh, who is confident and notafraid to be herself.' ~ JB
"I have the most incredible fans in the world. My fans are BADASS!" ~ JB
"I will never forget where I once was and where I come from." ~JB
"I absolutely melt when a girl kisses me on the neck, like just a peck and I just melt." ~JB
"If i can do just one tenth of the good Michael Jackson did for others, i can really make a difference in this world"~JB
"There's more people that like me than there are who hate me,so I kind of brush it off.~JB
"We all have so much 2B thankful 4...I'm thankful 4 the love of my family, friends & of course all of U"~JB
"Bieber is the real thing. His movie is highly entertaining. He'll have a huge career."~Pete Hammond

2011-09-17 | 22:59:02
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

"Many have called but the chosen is you. Whatever you want shawty I'll give it to you" ~ JB
"It honetly doesn't matter what people think of you. Focus on the people who you love, they're opinion matters the most"~ JB
"When you meet me, don't be afraid to ask questions, photos or a hug" ~ JB
"I want my world to be fun. No parents, no rules, no nothing. Like, no one can stop me. No one can stop me." ~ JB
"Two people can look at the same thing and see it differently.." ~ JB
"If you came to do a tenth of what made Michael Jackson the world know that I will have achieved something great." ~JB
"People say, 'I'm giving up.' I just write them a simple message like 'Never give up', you know? And it changes their life." ~ JB
"I hate it when people mis-pronounce my last name." ~ JB
"Follow your heart and just never give up. And that's the one time when you can say never." ~ JB
"Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, you're a mile away and you have their shoes."~JB
“Each of my fans are my favorite girl for a different reason because everyone is special in its own way”~JB

2011-09-14 | 12:26:51
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

"God bless him, it happens in America, but why should I cry?(during NSN).I was happy 4 the Bieber!"~Regis 2 Kelly
"The movie (Never Say Never) was fantastic, it really was." ~Jason Bateman
"I was hoping that the pools of tears weren't going 2 break thru the 3D glasses & flood my cheeks!" ~Jason Bateman
"My 9 year old looked at me during NSN & said,"are you crying, why are you crying, are you guys crying?"~Kelly Ripa
"My mom use to play Boys II Men albums when I was a kid. In my room I'd try 2 do the vocal acrobatics." ~JB
"I have 2 Segways on tour I use 2 terrorize the crew...not really, I use them 2 speed away" ~JB
"Sour Patch Kids have taken a back seat...my favourite now is Big Foots, which are from Canada." ~JB
"Usher & I talk where my career is going, how it's going to be and how hard this business really is." ~JB
"I am with adults all day, but there are times when I just want 2 hang out with my friends, people my age." ~JB
"Lots of artists go thru refinement boot camp.JB's a sponge, a bright kid. But he's still a teenager"~Ryan Good
"Usher thought I would be a good influence on Justin---kind of cool, U know...positive." ~Ryan Good
"Mama Jan knows how 2 protect, nuture & grow an artist in this business---Justin bein that artist." ~Scooter
"My mom & I have always had a great relationship. She always made sure that we were taken care of." ~JB

2011-09-13 | 15:41:23
Kategori: Bieber Quotes

"I am so grateful for everything I get to experience. I know I wouldn't be here without my fans." ~JB
"Singing is my first passion, but if things didn't work I would have tried 2 play 4 the Toronto Maple Leafs." ~JB
"I also miss eating ketchup-flavored chips from Canada." ~JB
"What I miss about Canada? Big Foot candies and Tim Horton's. Timmy's...I miss my iced cap." ~JB
"I played Forward for the Straford Warriors hockey team when I was in school." ~JB
"Favourite number? Number 6." ~JB
"My favourite song as a kid was 'God Is Bigger Than The Boogieman' from Veggie Tales." ~JB
"My favourite sandwich? That would have to be tomato and mayo on Wonder Bread." ~JB
"I try to visit a mall at every city when I'm on tour." ~JB
"My favorite healthy snack is broccoli." ~JB
"Bieber like brunettes, I like blondes, and Chaz ..... I think he's gay." -Ryan
"I am so grateful for everything I get to experience. I know I wouldn't be here without my fans." ~JB
"Singing is my first passion, but if things didn't work I would have tried 2 play 4 the Toronto Maple Leafs." ~JB
"I also miss eating ketchup-flavored chips from Canada." ~JB
"What I miss about Canada? Big Foot candies and Tim Horton's. Timmy's...I miss my iced cap." ~JB
"I played Forward for the Straford Warriors hockey team when I was in school." ~JB
"Favourite number? Number 6." ~JB
"My favourite song as a kid was 'God Is Bigger Than The Boogieman' from Veggie Tales." ~JB
"My favourite sandwich? That would have to be tomato and mayo on Wonder Bread." ~JB
"I try to visit a mall at every city when I'm on tour." ~JB
"My favorite healthy snack is broccoli." ~JB
"I also miss eating ketchup-flavored chips from Canada." ~JB
"My favourite song as a kid was 'God Is Bigger Than The Boogieman' from Veggie Tales." ~JB
"Bieber like brunettes, I like blondes, and Chaz ..... I think he's gay." -Ryan
och PS det går inte bara vara citat från Justin!
Utan andra oxå <3

2011-09-13 | 15:32:35
Kategori: Bieber Quotes
Börjar med Bieber quotes hoppas ni kommer att gilla dom!

Jag ska börja med att skriva citat! Also som ska kallas för Bieber quotes!
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