2011-09-13 | 15:41:23
Kategori: Bieber Quotes
"I am so grateful for everything I get to experience. I know I wouldn't be here without my fans." ~JB
"Singing is my first passion, but if things didn't work I would have tried 2 play 4 the Toronto Maple Leafs." ~JB
"I also miss eating ketchup-flavored chips from Canada." ~JB
"What I miss about Canada? Big Foot candies and Tim Horton's. Timmy's...I miss my iced cap." ~JB
"I played Forward for the Straford Warriors hockey team when I was in school." ~JB
"Favourite number? Number 6." ~JB
"My favourite song as a kid was 'God Is Bigger Than The Boogieman' from Veggie Tales." ~JB
"My favourite sandwich? That would have to be tomato and mayo on Wonder Bread." ~JB
"I try to visit a mall at every city when I'm on tour." ~JB
"My favorite healthy snack is broccoli." ~JB
"Bieber like brunettes, I like blondes, and Chaz ..... I think he's gay." -Ryan
"I am so grateful for everything I get to experience. I know I wouldn't be here without my fans." ~JB
"Singing is my first passion, but if things didn't work I would have tried 2 play 4 the Toronto Maple Leafs." ~JB
"I also miss eating ketchup-flavored chips from Canada." ~JB
"What I miss about Canada? Big Foot candies and Tim Horton's. Timmy's...I miss my iced cap." ~JB
"I played Forward for the Straford Warriors hockey team when I was in school." ~JB
"Favourite number? Number 6." ~JB
"My favourite song as a kid was 'God Is Bigger Than The Boogieman' from Veggie Tales." ~JB
"My favourite sandwich? That would have to be tomato and mayo on Wonder Bread." ~JB
"I try to visit a mall at every city when I'm on tour." ~JB
"My favorite healthy snack is broccoli." ~JB
"I also miss eating ketchup-flavored chips from Canada." ~JB
"My favourite song as a kid was 'God Is Bigger Than The Boogieman' from Veggie Tales." ~JB
"Bieber like brunettes, I like blondes, and Chaz ..... I think he's gay." -Ryan
och PS det går inte bara vara citat från Justin!
Utan andra oxå <3