2012-01-16 | 10:19:26
Kategori: Senaste i Bieber världen
Justin kysste tjejen i Mistletoe videon framför Selena
Justin fick kyssa en super modellen, Ali Williams,18 som sa att Justin var en bra på att kyssas!
It wasn’t awkward at all,” she said. “He was so nice and relaxed. Justin was very respectful, so it was comfortable.”
Ali also said that Selena, 19, was not only present during the kiss, but was super nice about it!
“It was totally professional, and I love Selena,” she said.
“It wasn’t awkward at all” sa hon “He was so nice and relaxed. Justin was very respectful, so it was comfortable.” tillade hon.
Ali sa också att Selena var inte bara närvarnade under kyssen, utan var super trevlig om det.
“It was totally professional, and I love Selena,”