2010-09-16 | 15:16:06
Kategori: Senaste i Bieber världen
Justin Bieber Nämns 60 gånger i sekunden på Twitter
Fans of Justin Bieber, the Canadian teen pop sensation who shot to fame through videos he uploaded to YouTube, is tweeted 60 times per second and uses three percent of the Twitter infrastructure, according to the American blogger Dustin Curtis.
In July, YouTube announced that Bieber had been star most watched video - "Baby (feat. Ludacris)", from his second album, My World 2.0 - in his five-year history, which had seen more than 245 million times. In the beginning of September this figure had risen to 316 million.
Google has also admitted to having been consumed by "Bieber fever", with 16-year-old regular at the top of search rankings on the site.
Now, it seems, Twitter is experiencing the same level of interest in the young singer from Stratford, Ontario. Of a staggering 65 million Tweets per day, three in every 100 points Bieber.
Independent newspaper has reported that Curtis cites an unnamed employee Twitter: "At any time using Justin Bieber three percent of our infrastructure. Rack of our servers are dedicated to him. "
In July, YouTube announced that Bieber had been star most watched video - "Baby (feat. Ludacris)", from his second album, My World 2.0 - in his five-year history, which had seen more than 245 million times. In the beginning of September this figure had risen to 316 million.
Google has also admitted to having been consumed by "Bieber fever", with 16-year-old regular at the top of search rankings on the site.
Now, it seems, Twitter is experiencing the same level of interest in the young singer from Stratford, Ontario. Of a staggering 65 million Tweets per day, three in every 100 points Bieber.
Independent newspaper has reported that Curtis cites an unnamed employee Twitter: "At any time using Justin Bieber three percent of our infrastructure. Rack of our servers are dedicated to him. "
Posted By Diana