2012-04-12 | 22:14:50

Justin avslöjar att han var mobbad

“I was bullied. Most people in their lifetime have been at some point. I think it’s about time that people start making a change. A lot of the time, principals let it go, teachers let it go, other students just let it go.” Sade han och sedan fortsatte han att berätta:

“I think [Bully] is really powerful and can help change a lot of lives. If you’re a bystander, too, tell somebody, because a lot of times, it’s just not spoken of, and you ended up keeping it all inside, and it just hurts even more.”

"it’s just not spoken of, and you ended up keeping it all inside, and it just hurts even more.”
OMG vet exakt hur det känns, är mobbad,.....även om att jag har inte blivit mobbad på länge så
kommer jag att känna mobbad hur som helst...Just hurts.....


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