2011-08-24 | 23:03:20

Kategori: övrigt

En Belieber som har skrivit!

I've found out why I don't like Selena Gomez. It's not cause I'm jealous of her, it's not cause she's a horrible person. It's cause everyone acts like she is the best, most perfect, prettiest, most talented, girl in the world. Yeah, shes pretty and famous and rich, but so are tons of other celebrities. What makes Selena so special? People fucking worship her, and treat her like royalty, when she's not. And Selena fucking enjoys it. She knows she can get any guy she wants, she knows everyone loves her, she knows she could do no wrong and anyones mind. And she likes it. That's why she is always so angry towards Beliebers. Because some of us, DON'T worship her. We don't think she's a fucking gift from heaven above. And she doesn't like it. And people say she's a strong person for putting up with all this hate and shit, but what about Justin Bieber? He ALWAYS gets hate. Does he ever whine about it? Does he ever complain? No. People that get bullied, that cut themselves. They don't complain either do they? No. And the only thing Selena's getting, is online hate. Not physical abuse, not even hate from people she knows. Just stupid little bastards with no life. Yet her life, besides that is all fucking dandy. Great boyfriend, great job, shes's rich, she's gorgeous, she has amazing people that love and care about her, yet she has the NERVE to whine and complain about stupid little shit that we get every day, all day, yet we don't get the luxury of going home to a solid gold house and a sexy ass boyfriend. She needs to grow the fuck up. Enough said.

Okej...Jag kan inte fatta att det är sant! asså snälla gud komentera inte senare taskiga komentarer, jag skriver ju bara min åskit ni borde respectera det..."vi alla är olika!"
Men den där tjejen har rätt. Jag mennar inget illa om Selena. Jag gillar hon och älskar hennes låtar. Men på tanka vad hon sa så borde Selena sluta klaga..Hon har det bästa livet?! kolla på Justin, han klagar inte, kolla på jasmine? klaga hon när hon va med justin?! hon fick oxå dödhot...Det var till och med nån som ville döda hon på riktig förra året och leta efter henne! Men de va inget fan tror jag men iallafall.

Postat av: Damaris

Jag håller med !!! :)

2011-08-25 @ 08:04:51
Postat av: sara

jag håller nt med ;)

2011-08-25 @ 19:39:10


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